the business of being an auntie | chicago newborn photographer

It has been awhile since I shared about my adorable nephews and nieces. I think they should have a weekly feature on my blog, most people blog about their kids, so I can feature my 11 cuties, right?!

My nephew, Sterling, is the first of our 11 nephews and nieces. He is the reason that I decided to start on my journey of newborn photography. I look back at his newborn photos and think, “goodness sake, what was I doing?!!” I am fascinated by how my style has evolved over the last 5 1/2 years of photographing babies, how my style has changed, how much I have improved, and how much I still love babies.
My camera has been peed on, I have been peed on, spit up on, unmentionable things have happened to all of my prop blankets (so no worries Mom’s, it happens, and it all gets washed!) and my prop collection and knitting obsession is out of control. Jamie keeps telling me to start selling my knitted items, and I keep saying “one day, one day I will have the time”. In all seriousness, I love every little thing I knit and I can’t bear to part with it! Photographing newborns gives me a very valid excuse to try new things in knitting, and to buy all kinds of beautiful yarn.

Today I share with you, my nephews and nieces. I could have included hundreds of photos, because goodness knows, taking pictures of all of them did not stop at their newborn sessions! I am one proud Auntie. I love my babies, and am thrilled to live down the road from a few of them. Moving to Chicago land meant that I would be near 7 of the 11, and I am loving the time I get to spend with them!

All of them have taught me more about babies/children than I thought I would ever know. More than anything, they remind me of the wonderful world children live in. They are so sweet and innocent, no clue to the horrors the headlines scream every day, the tragedy that befalls the world every moment. They remind me of what is beautiful, and sweet, and what is to be cherished. They inspire me to dream more, and to remember what it was like to be silly and create silly stories and songs. They love without prejudice, and speak honestly. And as we all know, like any child, they can be downright naughty. Which is when I defer to their mama’s 😉 Or try to!!! Haha!

In the last 5 1/2 years…

Sterling – his daddy (my big brother) convinced me to take a few pictures of him in the bucket of his excavator. To date, the most interesting thing I have photographed a baby in. I traveled from Raleigh to Chicago land to meet this little guy and have my heart stolen forever.

Jamie and I traveled to Charlotte to meet sweet Adelynn. She was such a sweet, cuddly little baby! The first baby on Jamie’s side.

Would you believe that I timed my trip to Chicago just right in time to be present for the birth of this sweetheart? Keira. She is the funny one, always surprising us with funny phrases and silly antics.

It’s a crazy thing, when your younger sister has a baby…Nathanael is her first. I traveled from Raleigh to Chicago shortly after he was born to meet him. He is a sweet, loving boy, and he still sings “itsy bitsy spider” just the way Auntie Joy taught him!

We met little Elodie on our yearly trip to Hilton Head with Jamie’s family. I have never done a newborn session at a condo with an ocean view before Elodie’s session! I think it should happen again! Elodie is the little chatter box that always has something to say and is just so darn cute saying it! She waves her arms to get her point across and has the sweetest personality.

I think that I traveled the furthest to meet Miss Brooklyne. They were living in Longview Texas, where my brother was attending LaTourneau University. We are so happy that my brother got a job with Caterpillar nearby and we have them close! Brooklyne is the one that loves me the least. She is the most adorable little thing, but she is very particular who she allows to love on her. All I want to do is just squish her (which is why I am sure she doesn’t like me!!! haha!) and she would just rather do her thing. That’s ok. She and I will have grand adventures one day.

It was back to Chicago to meet little Natalie. I arrived in town a few days before she did. I had Auntie duty with big brother Nathanael while mommy, daddy and Natalie rested up at the hospital. Natalie reminds me of the sweet and shy little girl I grew up with, my little sister. Her blonde curls wisp just the way her mommy’s did, and she has such a loving and caring heart. Just like my sister.

Jamie and I traveled to his hometown, Robbinsville North Carolina to meet the newest addition to his side of the Family. Rough and tumble Colton. I just had to take pictures of him out in the field with Nana’s horses (no baby was harmed in the making of this photo, and spotters were nearby to corral the horses and protect the baby). We love Colton, and as the only boy, watching him interact with all the girls is quite funny!

Spencer. Sweet sweet Spencer. I have loved all of the babies, but it is quite possible that I love Spencer the most (SHHHHHHHHHHH!). He is the baby of my brother’s three kids, and he is the most cuddly, loving, sweet, adorable little guy. He will just come sit with you and fall asleep on your lap. His grin slays me. I love that I have been present for a lot of his growing up. He is growing up way too fast, and I am afraid he won’t want his squishy cheeks kissed quite as much.

We met tiny little Emerie last Easter, when we went in to Robbinsville for the holiday. She was three weeks old when I did her session, and she was perfection. I love her little nose and chubby little cheeks. We haven’t been able to spend much time with Emerie. But from what her momma posts, she has quite the little personality.

And finally (for now!) this is little Landen. My sisters third one. For once, I lived a mere 30 minutes away when this guy was born! Jamie and I met him when he was hours old, and he stole my heart (is there anything left?!!!). I just want to sit and hold this sweet baby for hours on end. He sleeps and sleeps…and as all third borns should be, he is quite chill.

There you have it! All of my babies. Hard to believe that they aren’t babies any more. 5 1/2 years has flown by faster than I could have imagined. Can you see now why we moved to Chicago?? We were here *all the time* visiting family.
Now that we live nearby, I am so looking forward to all of our adventures together, and the many hours that we will spend in our pool this Summer!


Joy | Chicago Newborn Photography





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